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Newsletter Issue 60


Let’s start with the good news, an update on Whist – Rachel Corish has agreed to take over running these evenings which will begin on 1st October at 7.00pm followed by 15th October. In future, these evenings will be held at 7.00pm on the first and third Friday of the month. If Whist is your thing, please come along to support her.

The winter season begins in just over a week. All of the membership renewal forms have now been picked up, hand-delivered or posted. Don’t forget that your fees must be paid before or on the first day of your first game of bowls.

The really good news is that we’re gaining a steady number of new members. Sadly, we’ve lost a few members too but, overall the membership is looking quite healthy with a fair few yet to return their forms – that will happen over the next couple of weeks.

Now the not so good news, sadly, my many pleas for volunteers have fallen on stony ground. We are DESPERATE for volunteers. We’ve had a meeting today to try to fill in the gaps. It has resulted in the usual people taking on more slots i.e. giving up yet more of their time to temporarily tide us over. Unfortunately, between us, we cannot fill all the vacancies so we will have to close the club Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons 3.30pm to 6.00pm and Wednesdays 1.00pm to 6.00pm unless more members come forward. The bar will be closed in the evenings too but the chiller cabinets will be available. It is with huge regret that we’ve had to do this but there is only so much that so few people can do.

Apparently, when folks join outdoor clubs, they are allocated jobs. Surely the outdoor bowlers are used to this. PLEASE ask yourself some serious questions. Is it fair to expect the same people to keep things going for your benefit? If you are fit enough to bowl, then you’re fit enough to take some of the pressure off the same few people. You don’t even have to be a bowler to be a volunteer. We already have a couple of partners who do not bowl but come in to help rather than sit at home on their own. Speak to your friends who may have time on their hands to maybe come to do a shift with you. Full training will be given for any of the jobs.

I’m sorry to have to do this again but it is a members’ club and you really need to understand the situation.

Kind regards,


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing)

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