Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 159

Hello everyone,

Glorious weather at last! June seems a very long way away! Since then, we’ve had everything except sandstorms! It’s here for about a week – make the most of it.

As I announced in last week’s newsletter, John Tolmie’s funeral is this Wednesday at 12.30 at Cheltenham Crematorium. The wake afterwards is at The King’s Head in Bishops Cleeve. Could you let the office know if you intend to attend as soon as possible in order to give Edna an idea of numbers for the caterers?

A new member joined last week to add to our expanding junior section. He is ten years old and his name is Charlie Chew. He has played outside at Churchdown for a couple of seasons and is willing to play any position. Obviously, he is at school so is looking for a team/teams in the evening. It would be ideal if our youngsters could offer him a place. Please make him welcome. He’s very keen to learn the indoor game.

There appears to be some confusion about the new club shirt.

  1. It is not compulsory to buy one. However, the old one is no longer being manufactured so, when you need a new one, it will be made in the new material and in the new design.
  2. Those of you who play in the Wessex teams will still be expected to wear the present Wessex shirt. Strictly speaking, this shirt should be worn only when playing in the Wessex competition. However, provided the whole team agrees to wear the Wessex shirt, the Denny can also be played in this shirt.
  3. When playing the Interclub matches for MidGlos, you may wear, either the old version or the new one.
  4. If you are playing in any of the Nationals, the whole team must wear the same style of shirt. This must be agreed between the team members before the commencement of the game.
  5. Although, it is preferred that any shirt worn should be predominantly white, any bowls shirt except your outdoor club shirt is acceptable.
  6. Finally, as far as I know, the MidGlos samples have not yet arrived. A few people have already ordered because it will take about five weeks from ordering to receiving your shirt. Order forms are on the white notice board at reception.

I do hope this clears up any confusion.

Many members have already paid their subscription for the coming year. I have to remind you that your subs must be paid before your first game. You can, of course, pay at the time of paying for your first game. Without payment, you will not be allowed to play and your card will not allow you entry through the door (you can gain access to pay by buzzing at the door).

Just two weeks to go now until the new season begins on Monday, 18th September.

In the meantime, take care,


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing).