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Newsletter Issue 114

Hello again,

By the time you read this, we’ll be well on our way to Potters to compete in a mid-week tournament. So excited. Really looking forward to the break.

In the meantime, the sheets are ready for you to sign up for the club competitions.

Go on. Have a go. It’s a worthwhile experience, win or lose.

In addition, there are several sheets up for the upcoming friendlies. Again, put your name down and give it a go. Some are at home and some are away. It’s good experience.

On 21st October it is “Wear it Pink” day when we’re encouraging members to wear something pink and or donate towards the recognition, research and treatment of breast cancer.

We have set up a just giving page for people to donate:

All details are on the poster at the club.

A member has suggested that we play music while the games are being played. We are going to trial this. I’m not sure about how it will be received considering the number of members who’ve practised “selective hearing” for many years (or just won’t own up to being a little hard of hearing!). Even now, with no background interference, communication between the skips and rest of the team is often difficult but we’ll give it a try. The selection of music we have is limited so, if you have any CDs which you could donate, that would be much appreciated. Bear in mind that we’re going to be bowling while the music is playing so it needs to be suitable i.e. not “headbanging” stuff.

Coaching normally takes place on Thursday afternoons but there are no coaches available this week. The club will still be open but no coaching. If there are any qualified coaches within the club not already on the coaching team and would like to coach from time to time, please let reception know.

While on the subject of coaches, Sandy Kerr is trying to upstage Howard in the holiday A&E stakes. He and Sandra are in Crete at the moment but they hadn’t been there long before they were off to hospital. Sandy assures the Newsletter he was fully clothed when this happened!

As you know, there are two umbrellas on a Friday, both morning and evening. Ron Wilkes was the winner of the summer evening league and was presented with the shield on Friday evening.

Looks like he’s just as pleased with the cardboard box in his right hand!

Well done, Ron. Not only is he a very good player but a great bloke too.

I haven’t had a full report of our trial week-end opening. I do know that it was busy on Saturday morning with the added advantage of Longinus Ha being “spotted” by Vince Wilkes and invited to join in the Wessex A team practice next Saturday.

Don’t forget we’re open next week-end too. Many thanks to Kath and Sheila for giving up their time to man the office.

Enjoy your week. I know we will.

Take care.


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing).

11 replies on “Newsletter Issue 114”

I will reserve final judgement until I have ‘heard’ it in action, but my initial reaction to the idea of playing bowls to a musical background is not favourable.

Thank you Linda, once again excellent Newsletter.
Just thought would mention no E in Wilks
Thanks a lot
Ron oh also Vince

Music was playing this morning while we bowled. …7 rinks.
I have to say that I found it distracting and annoying.
Bowlers who are hard of hearing were complaining and I didn’t hear anyone in favour of having music played…..just saying!
Rona 🙄

A member, me’ thinks ########## so could you please action that and stop this ridiculous idea. Thought we were trying to build a really good bowling centre of excellence, not a holiday camp. Maybe a circular rink then we could have a bowl and natter group too. Sorry but people have worked so hard for this Club for so long, way before the hardworking present team. Please remember Cotswold is only 15 mins down the road for those who wish to bowl not pass time.

Horrendous idea to have music playing – such a distraction 😩
It was awful watching the Commonwealth Bowls on TV but at least I could turn the volume off!
If it was introduced I would have to use my mobile phone to ask the skip for directions 😉
It’s a definite NO from me.

Am really opposed to music – Not only a real distraction to the game whilst trying to concentrate, but ‘a real wind up’ & everyone has such varied tastes of music!!! Definite No No!

I thoroughly agree with those sentiments! If you’d all read between the lines, you would have realised that I too thought it a ridiculous idea!

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