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Newsletter Issue 109

Hello again,

There is a board meeting being held this Thursday afternoon after the Thursday morning league game when week-end opening is on the agenda. If you still haven’t completed the questionnaire online or filled in a printed copy at the club, please make sure that your opinion is heard. We are looking for genuine commitment in order to make it financially viable.

I am pleased to report that Bruce Gavaron now has enough names for the Ralliors to be entered on a Tuesday evening, thus meaning that the league will now be able to go ahead so securing some £3,000.00 income. Thank you to those who came forward. However, if you are available on a Tuesday evening, Bruce could still do with some more players.

According to the noticeboard, those still looking for teams are:

John Mack… Tuesday morning…07582867072

Max Butler… Friday afternoon…01242674712

John Prosser…Wednesday morning…01452520150

Keith Charsley…Thursday evening…07828562842

Steve Hancock…Wednesday morning…07788260519

Alan Thompson…Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning…01242580754

Alan Piggott…Wednesday…01452611213 (Alan hasn’t specified a.m. or p.m.)

Graham Whiting…Tuesday morning…07847968273

Neil Pashley…Tuesday morning…01452611078

Teams still looking for players are:

The Wickers on Monday afternoon at 1.30…. tel.Kath 07709868730

Ralliors on Tuesday evening…. tel. Bruce 01452502818

Richmonds on Monday afternoon at 1.30….tel.01452532007

Grasshoppers on Monday morning at 10.00….tel. Bob Knight 01242228056

Muskateers on Monday evening….tel. Bob Read 01452619814

These were taken from the noticeboard on Friday evening. I am assuming that it is up to date. If you have been fixed up in the meantime, please delete your name or team. The writing is not always clear. I hope I’ve got the correct spellings and numbers!

On Thursday afternoons in the winter season 1.00 to 3.30, coaching is available. However, during that time, it is for coaching only since reception will not be manned. If you wish to roll up or play a friendly game, the club will be open from 3.30 but booking is advised.


There will be a barbecue to celebrate Ginger’s life on 11th September at 1 o’clock at the Civil Service Club ground on Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham.    

Ginger sadly passed away on 25th July.

Ginger loved a barbecue surrounded by his friends and Marilyn would like as many of his friends as possible to be there.

If you would like to go, please email the following address so that the club will have some idea of numbers:

[email protected]

Unfortunately, Howard and I will not be able to attend since we have a prior arrangement. I hope as many of his friends will be able to make it to celebrate his life by doing what he really enjoyed. What a lovely idea.

Take care,


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing)

One reply on “Newsletter Issue 109”

Hi , I wish to make you aware that a number of bowlers from the Forest of Dean area are joining Newport indoor Bowling instead of Midglos. Fees are £50.00 per year.

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