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Newsletter Issue 102

Hello everyone,

Wimbledon’s over! Thank goodness we’re going away on Tuesday for a well-deserved break in Wales! I’m exhausted after all that tennis!

I’ve finally found the ladies’ outfit for us to complement the very dapper men’s uniform! Again it has to be in club colours but that’s not a problem. If you’d still prefer to socially distance, then it will be easily solved when both the men and the ladies are kitted out in my preferred option! Do fashion designers really believe that their creations will catch on?!

The following ladies’ shoes are on sale at the very reasonable price of £10.00. They are a size 7 and are nearly new in that they’ve been worn only a couple of times. If you’re interested, contact either the office or Elly Underhill directly.

When you enter the foyer you can’t fail to be impressed by the difference the new carpet makes. Not only is it a whole lot safer but it looks very smart.

The carpet in the lounge area has been cleaned and looks so much better. Unfortunately it was still damp on Friday evening so we were unable to move the tables and chairs back. Hopefully we’ll be able to call upon some muscle on Monday morning to put the room back together.

Work in progress.

A gentle reminder that mobile phones should not be used on the rinks. Strictly speaking, if a phone rings while in the possession of someone bowling, the game goes to the opponents. If there is a very valid reason for carrying your phone when playing, then this should be brought to the attention of everyone involved in that particular game before the match commences.

The final phase of the lighting upgrade will take place this Saturday morning, 16th July. Once again, a huge thank you to all who’ve taken part over the weeks. A job extremely well done!

That evening is the quiz hosted by Howard with musical accompaniment by Derek. Should be a bit different. Hope you all enjoy it.

See you there. 

Take care, 


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing)

3 replies on “Newsletter Issue 102”

Hi Linda
All looks very nice, well done to all concerned, hope you and Howard have a lovely time in Wales.

Myself and Chris have just returned from the funeral of Bryan Partridge. A lovely service and well attended. Rona assures me that she will be back bowling soon, great news Rona.

Hi Linda
After reading your MidGlos blog and seeing the mention of the use of mobile phones on the rink, I know of course that it is a MidGlos rule that mobile phones should not be used in the bowling hall never mind on the rink however, I was not aware that there has been an addition to that rule about the game being forfeited if a phone is in use, have the current bowls committee or General Management Committee changed this rule of late and if so have have the proper channels been followed and has the membership been notified, I have not seen anything about it?
While this subject is in discussion could I mention a certain Club from 30 odd miles away who bowl against MidGlos in various ladies competitions where their players are constantly on their mobiles getting the scores from their home side. I think in the future they should certainly be told about this rule before the match starts.
Regards Janet

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