Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 13

Hello everyone, We’ve now been back in action for almost two weeks and all is going well, I’m pleased to say. The Covid secure code has been well-received and adhered to. I think it’s true to say that we’re all so pleased to be back that we’d accept almost anything just to feel more normal. […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Welcome to our new website

Alongside the return of indoor bowling from 25 July, we’re pleased to introduce our new website. This current version will give you all the information you need to find out more about the club itself and how to get in touch. There will be further updates and developments to the site over the coming weeks, […]

Latest news Latest news MidGlos Member News

Covid Secure Code

Covid Secure Code Do NOT come to the club if you: are feeling unwell, or do not accept the Covid Secure Code Keep your social distance at all times with members not in your family or social bubble Try not to touch surfaces unnecessarily Sit or stand sideways next to people – ideally not face […]

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Newsletter Issue 11:

17 July 2020 Hello everyone, Here it is!! Fantastic news! We are opening for our familiarisation week on Tuesday 21st July from 10.00am until 1.00pm. The same times apply on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The idea is for you to come and see what we’ve done and for you to feel comfortable with the safety […]