Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 48

Hello everyone,

Really great news!

Stage 3 releasing of the lockdown is going ahead on Monday 17th May as we had hoped. This means that we can return to bowling under the rule of six. The summer schedules are now on the website.

Both the Friday morning and Friday evening umbrellas start again on 21st May. There is a new summer etiquette which will be published here and at the club.

This is guidance only as we are now free to make our own assessment of the risks. Basically, it is for the two teams playing to agree unanimously between yourselves. Should one person not be comfortable, then you should take the cautious approach and do what they feel comfortable with.

You need to consider:
Do you agree to shake hands before and after the game?
Do the leads agree to use one or two jacks?
Do you keep two metres apart?
Does just one lead place the mat or do you agree that each lead places the mat?

Do you agree that you don’t touch any wood that isn’t yours or do you agree that woods can be touched by anyone as before Covid?

However, masks must still be worn until you begin your game and on leaving the rink. We do ask that you sanitise your hands, as before, and the mats and jacks. The drinks machines and chiller cabinets are back in use. The lounge is set out for the rule of six.

You do not need to keep two metres apart. It is your choice. If you feel more comfortable keeping a distance then, by all means, do so.

Above all we just want to meet you all again and play bowls. We are nearly
there. 21st June is just around the corner.

Summer 2021 Covid Secure Etiquette:
  1. Before you set off please have your mask and wear it until you step onto the rink.
  2. Please use our cashless system to pay for rinks and drinks from the chiller cabinets (cash still ok). Please add credit to your membership card after a game not before.
  3. Come dressed ready to play – changing rooms are open for hanging coats only – NOT changing. No coats / jackets on chairs rink side please.
  4. Lockers are in use but please be patient to avoid clustering.
  5. Hand shaking or bodily contact at the start and end of the game is down to personal choice. You can still avoid bodily contact if that is what you want to do.
  6. There will be two jacks, one white and one yellow, with only the lead for each team touching their team jack with their hands – unless teams agree to use just one jack.
  7. Whoever wins the toss leads with the selected jack after placing the mat. NB whichever lead places the mat first is the only person to place the mat at the start of all other ends – unless you agree that each lead can place their own mat. Observe the markings on the mat as to which end to touch.
  8. Whilst the lead is bowling the two number two’s stay back near the ditch or stand on top of the bank – trying to stay at least two metres apart.
  9. When the leads have finished bowling they swap places with their number two and stand where they did, again trying to be least two metres apart.
  10. Ideally do not touch, with a hand, a bowl that is not yours.
  11. Skips centre the cast jack with their foot but can use a hand if that is easier.
  12. Any non-toucher that goes into the ditch is moved to the edge of the adjoining rink, still in the ditch, by the skip using their foot to move the bowl. If playing on adjacent rinks just move the bowl to the edge of the ditch of your own rink. Or, if preferred, a skip can lift the dead bowl and put it on the wooden shelf.
  13. A running bowl (on its correct bias) in danger of hitting a stationary bowl on another rink is stopped by the skip, with his foot or hand. The bowler retrieves his bowl to bowl it again or the skip may now pick up the bowl and send it back to the bowler on the mat.
  14. If a skip, or anyone, touches a bowl that is not their bowl then hand sanitiser stations are situated in the middle of the rinks at both ends. Don’t be afraid to use them but rub the sanitiser in well until hands are dry.
  15. All chalking must be done with a spray chalk – no sticks of chalk allowed. Either skip can move the mat if both skips agree, if not, then just one skip moves the mat.
  16. One player completes the single game card and changes the scoreboard. NB As scorecards are being used for Track & Trace please print all names clearly. All spectators need to register at reception.
  17. Wipe all mats, jacks, pushers and scoreboard buttons before/after a game.
  18. Enjoy bowling again and being with your friends! Take the time after the game to have a drink and chat – being socially distanced if that makes you feel safer.

NB When in the lounge area please remember the RULE OF SIX…

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… and don’t forget to wear your mask!

Many thanks to everyone for bearing with us during these difficult times. I hope you’ve been able to take advantage of the free roll-ups over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, as of next Monday, we’re back to paying the usual rink fees and uniforms, please. The heating will be on.

Our aim now is to try to build membership and take advantage of the fact that we now have a social secretary so that we can build that side of the club.

As always, we are asking for volunteers. We are all paying members of this club and, in order for it to run smoothly and grow, we need help. It is unfair for the same people to step forward each time help is required. Please bear that in mind and ask yourself if you could be more committed.

We are trying to reintroduce our social activities and expand on these in time. Some of these events will require catering in some form and we will require volunteers to help serve and clear up. If you feel you could offer help, either e-mail the club or mention it at reception.

On Sunday 4th July, we are hosting the National Gardens Scheme from 1pm to 5pm. Our club will be the base for people visiting people’s gardens in the neighbourhood.

For a fee, we can provide tea/coffee and cake. The takings are ours for club funds. Additionally, we will also use this event as an opportunity to introduce visitors to indoor bowling.

We will be asking for homemade cakes and volunteers to serve on that day, probably on a rota basis. Please give it some thought.

In addition, we are hoping to have a plant stall. If you have any surplus plants, please think about donating them at that time. Again the takings will boost our funds.

Pleas over. All I can add is:


Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)