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Newsletter Issue 43

Hello everyone,
Not quite as nice today but yesterday and Tuesday were wonderful – a taste of summer weather with spring flowers. I don’t know how far into Gloucestershire it’s spread but we’ve woken up to Saharan dust all over the cottage windows and cars!

We’re creeping ever closer to being able to meet each other again. We have already entertained friends in our garden, are seeing our local daughter and family at the week-end and are travelling there and back in the day (we usually stay over) to see our other daughter and family next week. Coupled with the awakening gardens, lighter evenings, brighter weather and very chirpy birdsong, it does seem like we’ve turned the corner.

Many of you will, by now, be fully vaccinated (we’re not far away) and Covid does appear finally to be in retreat. I’m no medic but we’re in a very different position from Europe with regards to a third wave. I certainly hope so.

We are now in April. If you haven’t already voted, there is still time to do so. Voting closes at 8.00p.m. on 14th.

If you are having problems with the password, let me give you a few pointers. All the letters are lower case apart from the very first which is a capital. All the vowels, apart from the last one, are numbers. If you follow this and use the password, which Kath has given a number of times, you should be fine. Happy voting.

Last month’s 200 Club winners are:
1st prize of £50.00 Anne Hesling
2nd prize of £20.00 Jan Gaveron
3rd prize of £10.00 Rachel Corish
Snowball … £50.00 Sheila Hancock

A nice birthday surprise for Anne and bigger Easter eggs for the
others. Congratulations!

Jill Skelton thought the following little video clip might raise a
chuckle. I liked it.

Take care everyone and a very happy Easter.

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